Boosting Swimming Performance With Sound Data

Boosting Swimming Performance With Sound Data

Published By: Universität Bielefeld Uni.News, 8/4/2016

Summary: Researchers at Bielefeld University have created a system that translates water pressure data into sound, helping swimmers improve their their technique by getting live feedback about their movements. An example of how computing technology affects how people approach the task of improving sports performance.

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CSP Global Impact Learning Objectives/EKs:
EK 7.1.1J Sensor networks facilitate new ways of interacting with the environment and with physical systems.
EK 7.2.1G Advances in computing as an enabling technology have generated and increased the creativity in other fields.

Other CSP Big Ideas:
2 Abstraction
3 Data and Information

Banner Image: “Network Visualization – Violet – Crop 12”, derivative work by ICSI. New license: CC BY-SA 4.0. Based on “Social Network Analysis Visualization” by Martin Grandjean. Original license: CC BY-SA 3.0

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